Build Brand Awareness Organically on
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram 

Digital Marketing continues to grow in popularity. Customers today go online to know more about your brand and its offerings before they make a purchase. 


When entrepreneurs and small businesses attempt to attract new clients, they often struggle with selecting the right social media channel, struggling with using the selected channel to its full potential.


Fear not! This blog addresses common questions faced by Entrepreneurs or Businesses in the B2B and B2C spaces, that are in the beginning phases of building brand awareness organically.


How to select the right social media platform?




Facebook continues to have the largest user base of all social media platforms. This makes it attractive for all kinds of businesses and entrepreneurs looking to build their brand identity and improve brand awareness. 


Despite its popularity, we recommend B2B businesses use Facebook more for culture related content such as Behind-The-Scenes stories from their product development team, stories from their corporate teams or to post videos of events from company celebrations.


How frequently should one post on Facebook?


While there is no hard and fast rule for maintaining a specific cadence on Facebook, a good rule of thumb is to do a maximum of 2 – 3 posts a day, keeping an 8-hour gap between each post. 


This gap gives Facebook’s algorithms a chance to give your posts the appropriate level of exposure they need to reach your target audiences. 




LinkedIn’s positioning as the de facto professional networking tool makes it a popular social media marketing channel for businesses. For B2C businesses, LinkedIn is the source of 51% of leads. 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members drive key business decisions, with the platform generating more leads for B2B businesses than Facebook, Twitter, or blogging. 


We recommend that B2B businesses prioritize growing a strong presence on LinkedIn, over other social media marketing platforms. 


How frequently should one post on LinkedIn?


Like Facebook, we recommend, we recommend posting 2 – 3 times a day on LinkedIn, while maintaining a gap of 8 hours between each post. This is to ensure posts get exposed appropriately. 




Twitter has 145 million active daily users. The platform is often misconstrued to be better for B2C marketing. But B2B businesses should make Twitter a part of their digital marketing strategy. 


It can be a robust source of consumer insights and opportunities to build a brand, win fans and drive sales. Additionally, Twitter is popular with B2B businesses in North America and Canada – making it especially important for B2B businesses targeting those regions. 


How frequently should one post on Twitter?


We recommend posting on Twitter 3 – 4 times a day. While there are many accounts that post much more than that, a quality tweet will get more traction rather than the number of tweets. 




Instagram is unique in that it is a visual platform. Its two largest demographic groups - 25 – 34 year olds and 18 – 24 year olds make up 31.5% and 30.1% of its user base respectively.  


This makes it more suitable for B2C companies, especially those offering products targeted to members of these demographics. 


How frequently should one post to Instagram?


While this can differ from business to business, we recommend posting between 2 – 3 times every week. Experiment to find out the most ideal time to post to be sure. B2C brands using Instagram to promote offers and products like clothing items, jewellery, shoes etc. will benefit from posting more regularly.


How do you measure content quality?


The truth about being successful on social media is that there is no correct way to do it properly. Trial and error are the name of the game. Once you discover the type of content that your audience responds to best, you can use that as an indication to decide your content strategy. 


While this is cliché, the quality of what you post trumps the quantity of what you post.  Keep an eye out for how high-quality Key Performance Indicators such as comments, shares, and retweets get impacted after your posts. A rise in any one or all of these KPIs is a sign of high-quality content. 

Why are hashtags important?


A question as old as social media itself, a hashtag allows relevant people to find your content. If you’re not sure what a hashtag is, it is a word followed by the ‘#’ symbol that looks like a tiny tic-tac-toe board. 


How do you add hashtags?


To use a hashtag, you type in the ‘#’ symbol followed by the most relevant word that best describes your content. 


For e.g., the hashtags for this article would be ‘#socialmediastrategy’ or ‘#socialmediaguide’ or ‘#brandawareness’ without the inverted commas or spaces between different words.


While the relevance of hashtags is currently debated, they continue to play a role in driving more views and likes to the posts they accompany. 


We recommend limiting hashtags to a maximum of 4, as there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that adding more hashtags results in more engagement. Don’t forget to include your company hashtag too! 


With this, we conclude our jumping off point into the great world of social media marketing! Know someone who is overwhelmed by social media marketing? Share this article and help him/her out. 


Does your business need help with social media marketing? Get in touch and we can help.